Friday, December 16, 2011

Darwin, the Market Whiz

7 1/2 x 10" Charcoal & Graphite on vellum

This charcoal drawing was done as an assignment for my Illustration Portfolio class. It was inpired by the New York Times article by Robert H. Frank.

Unlike the bull elk who are stuck with unwieldy antlers, traits that can serve the interest of individuals but not that of the group as a whole, humans have better options because we can harness our thoughts and actions. So let's stop acting like bull elk but start using our capacity to reason thus solve our current economic crisis.

Books of Wonders' Annual "Holiday Kickoff" Event

I'm grateful that my illustration teacher Elizabeth Sayles informed me of this place and event. I couldn't believe I didn't know about this place!! The place is truly full of wonders.

On the Saturday, Novermber 26th, I visited the Books of Wonders to attend their holiday kickoff event where nine great artists shared their new books for this season. They were Leo & Diane Dillon, James Gurney, Susan Jeffers, Hilary Knight, Jerry Pinkney, Charles Santore, Melissa Sweet, and Ed Young.